What is cosmetic venectomy?

Cosmetic venectomy (phlebectomy) is the surgical removal of varicose veins. Phlebectomy is safe and effective. This procedure is minimally invasive, which allows the treatment of vascular diseases under general or local anesthesia. Venectomy has an individual procedure, which involves removing the affected veins through a small puncture in the skin. The doctor makes punctures at intervals of 2-3 centimeters through which he extracts and stretches the vein.

Who is venectomy indicated for?

An operation to remove veins in the legs is carried out mainly for varicose veins. But besides this, such an operation can be assigned when:

Thrombophlebitis that does not respond to conservative treatment.
Formation of trophic ulcers.
Violation of blood outflow.
Stagnation of blood in the lower extremities.
Significant swelling of the lower extremities that cannot be removed by medication.
A burning sensation along the affected veins.
Increased leg fatigue.
Visible cosmetic defect.
Such an operation is completely harmless, does not cause significant damage to the body.

How is venectomy done?

Surgical intervention is performed only after completing the diagnosis. The technology includes: transection of the junction of the saphenous vein into the deep one; removal of a part of the vein prone to varicose veins.
Through incisions 1-3 cm long, the main trunk of the "varicose" vein (saphenous) with the affected ducts is removed using a probe. Local anesthesia is used, and general sedation (medication sleep) is also possible. At the end of the operation, the incisions are closed with cosmetic sutures, and an elastic stocking is put on. Within a week, the patient can return to a completely normal lifestyle.

Benefits of venectomy

Advantages of miniflebectomy Kiev:
1. High cosmetological effect (absence of scars on the affected area).
2. No damage to the subcutaneous nerve structures.
3. The possibility of using local anesthesia.
4. Possibility of carrying out the operation on either side of the limb.
5. Ability to get rid of the damaged vein completely.
6. Absence of pain syndrome.
7. Excellent portability of the method.
8. Absence of serious contraindications (there are individual contraindications).
9. Use of thin special needles for anesthetic injection.
10. Removal of the affected part of the vein directly outside the wound.
11. The vein ligation procedure is not applicable.
12. Skin punctures no more than 2 millimeters.
13. Fast recovery time.

Instrumentation and equipment

The veins are removed using a flexible probe through small skin incisions in the groin, knee, and inner surface of the ankle.
An additional method is the removal of subcutaneous nodes, stitching and ligation of individual veins through incisions or punctures in the skin. At the end of the operation, cosmetic stitches are applied to the incisions, and the operated areas are tied with special bandages.

Venectomy result

Venectomy allows not only to remove a cosmetic defect and improve the aesthetic appearance of the patient, but also to normalize the outflow of blood, and this is the key to the normal functioning of all tissues and structures of the body. The result of this procedure is permanent.

Postoperative and recovery periods

Rehabilitation after removal of veins includes the following measures:
  Wearing compression underwear around the clock for a month. For the next 2-3 months it is recommended to wear it only during the day. The stitches are removed on day 7-10.
  Medication (antibiotics, antiplatelet agents, phlebotonics).
  According to the doctor's prescription, there may be moderate physical activity.
  You need to follow a healthy diet.
  It is forbidden to smoke, take alcohol.
  It is necessary for the next two weeks to abandon the sauna, bath and hot baths.


Are there any contraindications to surgery?

Phlebectomy is contraindicated in the following conditions:

late stage of varicose veins (with deep vein thrombosis);
some cardiovascular diseases (severe arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease);
inflammatory processes of the skin of the problem area;
severe infectious diseases;
second and third trimester of pregnancy.
Is there any preparation required for phlebectomy?

If the venectomy is performed under local anesthesia, then for preparation it is enough to take a shower on the day of the operation and remove hair in the problem area.

The use of general anesthesia involves a preliminary preoperative examination, which includes a general and biochemical blood test, a general urinalysis, a coagulogram, tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C, an analysis for blood group and Rh factor, ECG, fluorography.

It should also be noted that some medications should not be taken before surgery, and it is also advisable to give up alcohol and smoking.

Cпециалисты направления

Oleksiy Skrynnyk

Surgeon, phlebologist, ultrasound specialist

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