What is leg liposuction

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery to remove excess fat tissue from different parts of the body, including the legs. Disproportionate body contours can be corrected with liposuction. It is recommended to trust the implementation of this procedure to trusted specialists. More than 70% of the population suffers from excess fat deposition in the leg area, this problem can be solved in our clinic!

Who is leg liposuction indicated for?

The accumulation of fat in the knee area is completely unpredictable. Fat in this area is almost impossible to remove by physical activity. Liposuction is indicated to correct the shape and volume of the knees. Calf liposuction will quickly get rid of these unnecessary accumulations. There are a large number of blood vessels and nerves in the ankle area, therefore, this area is operated very carefully.

The main indications for leg liposuction are:

  • excessive deposition of fat on the legs;
  • asymmetry of the limbs;
  • disproportionate figure due to the deposition of adipose tissue on the legs;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • a woman's desire to make her figure more attractive;
  • folds of fat on the thighs, knees;
  • the desire to visually increase the volume of muscle mass in the lower leg area;
  • underdeveloped muscles of the legs, causing aesthetic inconvenience;
  • hypotrophy of the muscles of the legs;
  • deformation of the legs due to neurological diseases;
  • psychological problems associated with a change in the appearance of the legs.

How is leg liposuction done

Liposuction of legs can be performed using several methods:

Vacuum liposuction.
Tumescent liposuction.
Syringe liposuction.
Oscillatory liposuction.
Ultrasonic liposuction.
Vibrating liposuction.
Laser liposuction.
Regardless of the chosen technique, the operation follows one algorithm.

For two weeks, patients are prohibited from taking medications, alcohol, nicotine. This is done to prevent possible complications. You cannot eat or drink for 8 hours. During the operation itself, the following course of the procedure occurs:

Marking the problem area with highlighting puncture sites.
Leather treatment with special products.
Injection of the anesthetic chosen by the anesthesiologist together with the patient.
After anesthesia, punctures are performed in problem areas.
Liquefaction of adipose tissue is performed.
The processed fat is removed using a special vacuum suction.
After that, the punctures are sutured with a cosmetic suture.
A compression bandage is applied. On average, the procedure takes no more than 1.5-2 hours.

Advantages of leg liposuction

One of the main advantages of leg liposuction is the predictable result. You can simulate the desired effect of the operation. Anesthesia before liposuction in most cases is used general, intravenous.

The undeniable advantages of this manipulation are:

Low trauma (puncture size is minimal (only 3-5 mm).
Low risk of postoperative complications (inflammation, suppuration).
The stitches after the intervention are invisible.
Fast and lasting effect of the procedure (during the procedure, all fat is removed from the problem area).
Rejuvenating effect (after the procedure, the skin actively synthesizes new collagen, due to which the surface of the legs becomes elastic, smooth, without traces of cellulite).

Instrumentation and equipment

Depending on the chosen manipulation method, a wide variety of equipment and instruments can be used. Often, you should be ready for such items: marker, antiseptic, anesthetic (pain reliever), syringe, medical needle, cotton swabs and discs, a special solution to thin fat, vacuum suction, cosmetic thread, needle, compression bandage.

Liposuction result of legs

As a result, you can expect the following effects from leg liposuction:

  • proportional figure;
  • freedom in choosing clothes;
  • slender legs and hips;
  • clearance between the legs;
  • smooth skin of the legs due to the elimination of cellulite and a lifting effect during vibration liposuction.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The first 2 days, patients are shown a hospital and a quiet rest. In case of painful sensations, the doctor prescribes pain medications.
Day 2 - discharge from the hospital, it is allowed to take a shower.
Light physical activity and walks are recommended during the week.
Also during this period active sports, swimming are prohibited.
1 - 2 weeks - removal of compression socks. Return to normal life.
1-2 months - it is allowed to visit saunas, solariums, fitness centers.
In addition, it is worth observing proper nutrition; it is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking; it is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time.

The first results of leg liposuction are noticeable after 1-1.5 weeks. The final effect is visible after 2 months.


What are the contraindications for leg liposuction?

Contraindications to leg liposuction of any category can be:

  • the patient's age is up to 18 and over 65 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • Varicose veins;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • pathology of the liver, kidneys;
  • disruption of the blood coagulation system;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • obesity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious pathologies;
  • disruption of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • mental disorders, including depression and neurosis.

How to prepare for leg liposuction?

Before carrying out this operation, it is necessary to come for a consultation with a surgeon who will determine the amount of excess fat deposits, identify indications and contraindications, and also recommend a suitable liposuction technique. If necessary, the patient must undergo laboratory tests for admission to surgery.


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Cпециалисты направления

Petah Andrej Vasil'evich

Plastic surgeon, МD

Grishin Evgeny Leonidovich

Трембач Александр Михайлович

Oncosurgeon, Plastic Surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Лавриненко Наталья Николаевна

Пластическая и эстетическая хирургия, инъекционная косметология

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

Advantages of RomiTal clinic