Laser cutting of the foreskin (circumcision)

Что такое обрезание крайней плоти

Circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision) - excision or complete removal of the foreskin of a man's penis. This is an age-old tradition among Muslim peoples and Jews. Europeans turn to such operations only out of fashion or out of necessity. Medical research shows a decrease in genital cancers after circumcision in both men and women who have had sexual intercourse with such men.

Кто нуждается в обрезании крайней плоти

For a long time, circumcision was carried out for religious reasons, but there is also a medical indication for this procedure. Medical indications include: paraphimosis, phimosis, chronic balanoposthitis, papillomas (condylomas) of the foreskin, which do not respond to conservative treatment.

Paraphimosis is a squeezing of the glans penis, somewhat pushed back, by its foreskin. This condition is quite serious and incredibly dangerous and can lead to the cessation of blood supply to the glans penis and the development of tissue death.

Phimosis is a narrowing of the foreskin, which prevents the preputial cavity from opening and exposing the glans of the penis. Sometimes phimosis can even lead to the development of complete urinary retention.

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the foreskin and glans of the penis caused by an infection and, in this case, circumcision is also necessary for full recovery.


Как выполняется обрезание крайней плоти

Before circumcision, some preparation is required - you need to shave your pubic hair to avoid infection in the operation area. The procedure itself is carried out with great precautions within 1 hour under local anesthesia. Anesthetic is injected into the tissue of the penis and when it works, then the operation is painless. A cutting line is drawn on the foreskin so that the skin is separated symmetrically and has an aesthetically pleasing result. Then the skin is excised, and the inner part of the foreskin is separated. The edges of the wound are aligned with cosmetic sutures and a sterile dressing is applied to the postoperative area to protect it from contamination and prevent swelling. The use of modern laser equipment for the cutting operation makes it possible to perform the operation more sparingly and bloodlessly, affecting the tissues pointwise, without affecting unnecessary zones and without injuring them.


Достоинства обрезания крайней плоти

Circumcision is performed under local anesthesia, without pain, under sterile conditions, with high quality and confidentiality. The CO2 laser used halves the rehabilitation period after the removal of the foreskin and minimizes the risk of postoperative scars.

Инструментарий и оснащение

During the operation, surgical instruments and a CO2 laser are used.

Результат обрезания крайней плоти

During the operation, the foreskin is detached and the head of the penis is freed from overhanging tissues, which makes it easier to urinate, reduces the risk of infection with genital infections and minimizes the likelihood of developing cancer, and also improves the quality of intimate life.

Послеоперационный и восстановительный период

In the postoperative period after laser cutting, as a rule, there is no need to take pain relievers and antibacterial drugs.

For better wound healing, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. You can return to full-fledged physical activity after 5 to 7 days, and start having sex within three weeks after the operation.


How long does rehabilitation take?
The advantage of performing an operation in our clinic is that the rehabilitation period passes much faster than in other medical institutions.

How painful is all this?
For the operation, the most modern anesthetics are used, and the use of a laser allows you to finish the circumcision quickly and without unnecessary trauma. In the postoperative period, patients do not notice painful sensations, even without taking painkillers, slight discomfort is possible.

Основная информация об обрезании крайней плоти


Обрезание делают по религиозным, косметическим и медицинским причинам


Улучшается качество интимной жизни, снижается риск инфекционных, венерических и раковых заболеваний

Before surgery

Нависающая крайняя плоть

After surgery

Освобожденная от крайней плоти головка члена

Advantages of method

Быстрая, безболезненная и конфиденциальная операция с эффектом пожизненного действия

Instruments and equipments

Хирургические инструменты для пластических операций, лазер

Time of the surgery

Продолжительность процедуры

1 час


Local ДА
General anesthesia

Duration of treatment

In-patient care

1 час

Return to activity

1-2 недели

Full recovery

4-5 недель


Cпециалисты направления

Нашеда Сергей Васильевич

Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

Звездилина Людмила Стратонівна

Гармаш Наталія Анатоліївна

Advantages of RomiTal clinic

Обрезание крайней плоти в клинике «Ромиталь» проводится специалистами высокой квалификации, которые имеют большой опыт проведения таких операций. Работающие здесь хирурги могут сделать обрезание качественно и безболезненно, с гарантией скорейшего заживления раны. Пластические операции проводятся по новейшим методикам и с применением самого современного оборудования.


Laser cutting of the foreskin (circumcision)

Это хирургическая процедура иссечения или полного удаления крайней плоти у полового члена мужчины по религиозным причинам или медицинским показаниям