What is plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis

The appearance of the penis is of great importance to a man. The inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse is called erectile dysfunction (ED).
Plasma therapy (PRP therapy) is an injection method of regenerative (restorative) medicine, one of the best modern methods of treating erectile dysfunction. The patient can already feel the improvement after the first procedure.
According to the World Health Organization, according to the most conservative estimates, 10% of men over the age of 21 have erectile problems, and in the 60+ age group, more than 30% of men are unable to have intercourse.

For whom is plasma-lifting (PRP) of the penis indicated?

PRP - therapy in urology is an injection method of regenerative (restorative) medicine, which is used to treat such urological diseases in men:

  •  urethritis,
  • erectile dysfunction (impotence),
  • prostate adenoma,
  •  Peyronie's disease (change in the appearance of the male organ),
  •  with urinary and stool incontinence,
  •  as a preoperative manipulation before some types of surgery,
  •  for relief of pain in the area of ​​the male organ caused by curvature and in other cases.

How is the plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis done?

How is the plasma lifting procedure in men?
The visit to the clinic begins with the preparation of the material for the injection. The thing is that we use your own plasma for plasma lifting. This is done to maximize the effectiveness and safety of the procedure.
1st stage - blood sampling (10 ml)
2. stage - processing of blood in a centrifuge, isolation of platelet-rich plasma (Processing occurs at 4000 rpm for 3 minutes. Double centrifugation allows to achieve platelet concentration up to 2.4 million / μl, which guarantees a positive effect!)
3rd stage - introduction of the drug into the correction zone.
Some patients may experience slight redness after the session.
Duration of the procedure: up to 30 minutes.
Course of procedures 2 - 6 - the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician, based on complaints, the patient's condition and the desired result.

Advantages of plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis

The advantages of this method are:

  •  High efficiency and effectiveness;
  •  Painlessness (in some cases, it is possible to use local anesthesia);
  •  Atraumatic and minimally invasive;
  •  Plasma is injected into specific points on the body of the penis;
  •  Lack of side effects and recovery period;
  •  No age restrictions;
  •  It is performed on an outpatient basis without the need for a hospital stay;
  •  This method is aesthetic and saves you time;
  •  Immediately after the procedure, you can return home and do your usual activities.

Instrumentation and equipment

For the procedure of plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis, few instruments are used, since the method is completely safe and atraumatic. To take blood plasma, the doctor uses a special needle and an anticoagulant tube. Then the test tube with blood is placed in a centrifuge, where the separation of plasma, PRP mass and blood cells actually takes place. Next, the PRP mass is activated and injected into the treated area through small punctures. If necessary, it is possible to apply acupressure in the form of a spray or ointment.

The result of plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis

PRP therapy technology involves the introduction of a patient into the problem area of ​​his own plasma, enriched with proteins, platelets and anti-inflammatory components.
As a result of the course of procedures (up to 6 sessions), the quality of sexual life improves, the duration of intercourse increases, the pain syndrome is stopped, the symptoms of erectile dysfunction decrease.
Weakened muscles are regenerated, and the regulating functions of the sphincter are restored.
With PRP therapy, most patients can return to their normal daily life in a short time. Significant improvement is observed after several treatment sessions.

Postoperative and recovery periods

The duration of the course of plasma therapy for the penis is determined by the attending physician, based on complaints, the patient's condition and the desired result.
There is no recovery period, since the procedure is not completely traumatic and does not cause side effects. For 3 - 4 days after plasmolifting, you must carefully adhere to the norms of personal hygiene, do not visit saunas, baths and swimming pools. For the first 3 days after the procedure, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse.


How to prepare for the procedure?

There are no special instructions before the procedure, you should only adhere to the general recommendations:

Before the procedure, you should refrain from eating fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.
Do not use medicines (anticoagulants) that thin the blood.
You should have a good sleep before the procedure.
Drink a sufficient amount of water before the procedure.
Are there any contraindications to plasmolifting of the penis?

Contraindications may include the presence of such features:

After the transferred cavernitis - inflammatory processes of the cavernous bodies of the genital organ;
Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the genital skin;
Blood clotting diseases;
State of alcoholic intoxication;
Severe diseases of the CVS.


Urethritis, erectile dysfunction (impotence), prostate adenoma, Peyronie's disease (change in the appearance of the male organ), with urinary and stool incontinence, etc.


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Plasmolifting (PRP) of the penis 4 000

Cпециалисты направления

Нашеда Сергей Васильевич

Urologist, Surgeon Doctor of the highest category. 12 years of experience A urologist, surgeon has been working in the field of urology and andrology for more than ten years. Engaged in scientific activities, has the highest category in medicine. Surgical and conservative methods treat inflammatory diseases

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